All About Dogs and Puppies

by Jocelyn

Pages 4 and 5 of 11

Chapter 3 What do Dogs Like to Play Outdoors?
Dogs love to play outside especially if you have a big backyard and lots of space. They like to run so your dog can chase you. If your dog likes sticks then play fetch with a stick, but be careful! If your dog gets too excited and you have a pool, they might fall on top of each other and fall in your pool.
Chapter 4 Kinds of Dogs.
There are many kinds of dog breads like a Golden Retriever, Pomeranians Black Lab, Chihuahua and a Husky. Fun fact... I always wanted a puppy since I was one years old. I loved dogs like my dad and my siblings too. Fun fact in 1957 the first ever mixed breed dog went to space her name was Laika .