Myedtechbuddy: Transition Edition

by Daren White CT

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About Myedtechbuddy
Hi, I'm Daren. I'm a teacher and academic technologies specialist, a parent and a self-taught edtech enthusiast.

Myedtechbuddy provides a series of courses about educational technology that people can work through at their own pace, on computer or mobile.

It all began as a Google Innovator Project as part of #VIA20 Google Innovator Academy. My original idea was to support teachers in becoming more confident in using technology but this grew to include all school staff and students too.
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Moving on up
This edition of myedtechbuddy is designed to help you as a young person preparing to move up to secondary school.

Our aims are simple:

- to help you become safe, competent and responsible digital citizens.
- to help you settle in to secondary school life
- to help you help your teachers to get to know you

all through the use of educational technology.
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How myedtechbuddy works
Work your way through the tutorials in this book at a pace that suits you. When you are ready, take the final skills assessment to gain your electronic Thriving Licence.

You can dip in and out any time you like and you don't have to do things in order. None of the tutorials are longer than 8 minutes so they are great little time fillers.

Good luck!

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Earn Your Thriving Licence
After you've worked through the different tutorial, take the Skills Assessment to earn your Thriving Licence.

If you don't pass first time, don't worry, that's not unusual.

You can try again any time until you succeed!
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