Book Creator

Computer Chips

by Tae Joon

Pages 4 and 5 of 16

How can we make more computer chips instead of buying them from other countries and alleviate the global computer chip shortage?
⠀⠀The United States doesn’t have many chips, which is a problem. You might be wondering "Why is it such a big problem?" The reason is because these aren't the chips that are addicting. They are computer chips. They are crucial because they are used to construct computers, cars, and many other things that are important to our everyday lives. They are all that and a bag of chips and important. We get computer chips from other countries such as China or Taiwan, which will be covered later in the book.
Untitled Design
This is the 14ᵗʰ element in the Periodic Table, silicon.
What Are We Working With?
The majority of computer chips are made with silicon, a semiconductor that is very important and is the fourteenth element in the Periodic Table. It can also be found in rocks, sand, clays, and soils, but not by itself. There is usually oxygen with the silicon, and sometimes with other elements. Plastic is also used in the computer chips to make it more flexible, which is made from natural materials. Copper is used for electrical conductivity, which can be mined underground. Different computer chips can be made in very different ways, so you might prefer one computer chip over another. Graphene can also be used as an alternative to silicon chips as a semiconductor.