
by Michael Z

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The sun blazed above Hopin Town, a small city in Minnesota, illuminating the grandiose research facility which stood out from the rest of the buildings like a jewel in a pile of coal. Thousands of birds soared above the clear sky, displaying the chaos of the migration season. Just a few blocks away from the research facility, a humble school stood within a quiet neighborhood. 

Twelve year old Timmy and another boy burst through the doors of the educational institution, eager to be freed from the mundane school day. Timmy turned to the other child and cheerfully handed him an elaborate drawing of a Persian Finch, smiling as his friend delicately placed the picture in the pocket of his folder. 

Running away from the school and to the town’s research facility, Timmy entered the building and greeted Dr. Stanfield, a prestigious and respected scientist. The scientist updated Timmy on the recent scientific events, mentioning a sighting of an undocumented fiery red bird a week ago. 

Timmy, who always dreamt of discovering a species, excitedly announced that he would discover the animal first. The scientist chuckled and flatly encouraged the boy before turning around and returning to his work.
Rounded Rectangle
Looking to his left, Timmy saw a tall woman dressed in a lab coat walking towards him and ran up to her and expounded his intent to find the bird. Horror flashed through her eyes for a split-second, but the woman, who called herself Venessa, quickly recovered and deprecated him, saying that if she just got fired from her job of trying to find the animal because of how little progress she made, then no one, especially someone as young as Timmy, would be able to find the bird. Expecting the words to cut into him, Venessa slightly recoiled as he did not react to her deprecation and ambled outside.

As Timmy started walking away from the research facility, he spotted a dot of red in the corner of his eye. Turning, he saw a bird the color of flames chirping in a tree. Timmy immediately deduced the animal to be the undiscovered species; however, he did not have a camera with him, so he pulled his notebook and pencil out of his backpack and, unable to contain his excitement, started sketching the bird. 

Suddenly, the page Timmy was drawing on was ripped out of his notebook and he looked up to see Venessa standing above him with his picture balled up and crumpled in her hand. As if sensing his distress, the red bird in the tree let out a call and flew away. Not knowing what to do, Timmy just watched as Venessa pulled out a lighter and burned his paper.