
by Michael Z

Pages 4 and 5 of 17

Daylight Robbery
Shocked but still hopeful, he ran back into the research facility and announced to Dr. Stanfield that he had seen the bird. However, the scientist quickly dismissed him, telling the child that only a photograph would suffice as proof and to stop playing pretend and wasting other people’s time.

That night, Timmy could not fall asleep, staring at the ceiling of his bedroom, heartbroken about how he ruined his opportunity to document the bird, and unable to understand why Venessa had destroyed his drawing. He knew that she might have wanted to discover the species first, but he could not comprehend why they could not keep the competition friendly. 

The next day, Timmy woke up languid but filled with a determination to try again. Grabbing his Paw Patrol backpack which contained his birdwatching gear and fastening a camera around his neck, he headed to Prawn’s Woodland, a forest where many birds nested. 

The abundance of time he spent in the forest watching the countless birds familiarized him with the area and he climbed a tree, nesting himself into his favorite bird watching spot.
Rounded Rectangle
With the sun almost at the top of the sky, it threw warm sunbeams down into the thick leaf canopy above Timmy’s head. Reflecting off the dew on the grass, the sparkles of light danced as if mirroring his enthusiasm. 

Timmy began to scour the trees, looking for any red color. He spotted Jandive cardinals and Tumolk robins and Bowser falcons and Pushed pigeons and Braxen hawks but could not see the mysterious bird he saw yesterday. 

Deciding to move to another spot, Timmy climbed down from the tree and saw Venessa, her eyes like a tiger, standing next to an ATV. A third-grade reading award hung from a keychain she held. Suddenly, Venessa leaped, snatched the camera from his neck, and without skipping a beat, dashed away on her vehicle. 

Timmy’s shock quickly turned into unfamiliar anger, and he sulked home. Passing the only preschool in town, he saw a small boy in a sandbox getting bullied by another boy. He watched as the smaller boy retaliated, throwing sand into his bully’s eyes, and as a teacher ran over and berated the boy who threw sand, telling him to be the bigger person and ignore his bully.

Fuel on the Fire
Grabbing a second camera from the pile of devices his extended family gave him after they discovered his talent for science, Timmy raced back to Prawn’s Woodland. 
