Dear Child of Light

by Ana Cristina Gonzalez Sanchez

Pages 4 and 5 of 9

About the author
My name is Ana Cris González. I am a fourteen-year-old girl from Monterrey, México. I love to listen to music and portray my feelings and inner thoughts through poetry. I like reading romance novels and have recently taken an interest in classics. I enjoy indie, alt, r&b, metal, pop, and folk music, especially when it comes to singing. I would love to learn more foreign languages to make my opportunity of meeting different people more extensive. I believe I have a talent for public speaking and debating significant world issues through the model united nations. My favorite flowers are tulips and sunflowers. Some of my bucket lists places to visit are: New York City, Greece, Italy, Japan, The Maldives, Hawaii, Brazil, and Australia. I hope you will enjoy my poem, and from the bottom of my heart, I wish you never have to go through something similar. With love, -The author.
About the author

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