Book Creator

Population N5

by Mr Bell


Human Environments 1

National 5
In the context of developed and developing countries:

1. Social and economic indicators

2. Physical and human factors influencing global population distribution

3. Factors affecting birth and death rates

4. Skills question: Describing in detail a resource
1. Development Indicators
Economic Indicators
Economic Indicators
1. Wealth: Gross national Income per person in US dollars ($GNI per person)
The more money a country earns per person the better off they are and the more developed they will be. They will be able to afford an improved diet and healthcare and can pay for services like education.

2.Employment: Percent of population employed in Agriculture
The higher the percentage of people working in agriculture the less developed a country will be because of the lack of mechanisation. People living in Developing Countries also often rely growing food to feed themselves. Fewer people working in manufacturing (secondary) and service (tertiary) sector which often pays more money.

3. Energy Use: Energy used per person
As people (and countries) get wealthier they tend to have more electronic devices which requires more power. Homes are better heated with hot running water. Many developed countries are now trying to reduce the amount of energy they use due to climate change, so this is not as good an indicator now. 
Social Indicators
Social Indicators
1. Health: Number of people per doctor
The more people per doctor the less developed a country will be because there isn’t enough money to train and pay for the doctors.

2. Education: Percentage of adults who are literate
The lower the number of people who can read and write the less developed the country is. Developing countries can't afford to train and pay for a larger number of teachers and schools and therefore have a less educated workforce.

3. Diet: Number of calories consumed per person per day
The lower the calorie intake the less developed a country is. Fewer people can afford to eat enough food, this can make people weak and affect children's growth.