Book Creator

Coffee or Not To Coffee?

by P7A, P4A, P5A & P6A

Pages 4 and 5 of 21

Comic Panel 1

Dave felt confused as he stood there looking at the open door. What should he do? He pulled out his phone to call the police, but when he tried to call, he had no service!

Quietly he listened. He peeked in and could hear voices. Who could they be? Why were they there? he wondered.

He put his cup of coffee down and bravely decided to venture in. Immediately, he spotted two men dressed all in black. He recognised one as being the passenger that he took there. Dave shouted "What are you doing?" to the men.

The two men were scared because they had been caught. Suddenly, the men ran from the vault and slammed the door shut! Oh no! Dave was trapped inside. He ran to the door but it wouldn't budge. The robbers had locked him inside.

In the distance, Dave could hear sirens approaching. How was he going to explain why he was inside the bank vault in the middle of the night? ...