Book Creator

Coffee or Not To Coffee?

by P7A, P4A, P5A & P6A

Pages 2 and 3 of 21

Chapter 1
10 PM Saturday, a poor taxi driver was driving his only passenger of the night home to Avenue Way.
"Are you busy tonight?" asked the passenger, who was dressed all in black.
"No afraid not, you've been my only customer," replied Dave, sipping from his cup of coffee. Dave loves to drink coffee especially when he's on the clock, it keeps him alert during his long shifts.
"Would you be able to stop at this bank coming up on the right? I need to grab some cash from the cash machine." asked the passenger, his voice strangely nervous.
Dave pulled over his taxi to the kerbside, just outside the bank.
"I won't be too long driver but please keep the engine running."
This seemed like a strange request to Dave but the more he thought about it, the stranger this whole booking seemed.

After a short amount of time, Dave started to think this customer had legged it without paying, he decided to check and see. Taking the keys out of the car, he walked round the corner to the ATM where there was no one in sight.

Dave was not surprised and about to leave when he noticed the side door to the bank ajar. Everything in his body was shouting at him to leave but his curiosity got the best of him.

He followed the dark corridor down the stairs and turned round a corner. He found himself standing outside a very large and very open bank vault.
10 PM Saturday, a poor taxi driver was driving his only passenger of the night home to Avenue Way.
"Are you busy tonight?" asked the passenger, who was dressed all in black.
"No afraid not, you've been my only customer," replied Dave, sipping from his cup of coffee. Dave loves to drink coffee especially when he's on the clock, it keeps him alert during his long shifts.
"Would you be able to stop at this bank coming up on the right? I need to grab some cash from the cash machine." asked the passenger, his voice strangely nervous.
Dave pulled over his taxi to the kerbside, just outside the bank.
"I won't be too long driver but please keep the engine running."
This seemed like a strange request to Dave but the more he thought about it, the stranger this whole booking seemed.

After a short amount of time, Dave started to think this customer had legged it without paying, he decided to check and see. Taking the keys out of the car, he walked round the corner to the ATM where there was no one in sight.

Dave was not surprised and about to leave when he noticed the side door to the bank ajar. Everything in his body was shouting at him to leave but his curiosity got the best of him.

He followed the dark corridor down the stairs and turned round a corner. He found himself standing outside a very large and very open bank vault.