Book Creator

Lola's Big Adventure

by P3A, P1A & P2A

Pages 2 and 3 of 7

Chapter 1
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Once there was a snail who didn't have a shell. Her name was Lola and she had lost her shell because when she was walking she slipped on a banana peel, fell and cracked her shell. Lola had also got lost from her family and friends when they were all strolling and a little child picked her up without anyone seeing. She felt frightened, sad and alone since she had no clue what the child would do to her and also because she missed her family very much. She had waited for night time to arrive so that she could go to the Zoo and look for something that could help replace her lost shell. It was hard to look because it was dark and she couldn't see very well. Suddenly, she found a rock, it seemed perfect to cover her. Lola tried it on but it was far too heavy for her to carry it around all day so she had to put it back on the ground and continued looking for something to replace her shell. She looked and looked but some things were too small some others were too big or heavy and others were too bright and would catch people's attention too much. As she got really hungry, she looked up for food and found some yummy leaves on the ground. Next to the leaves hiding, she saw something orange and sparkly making a tic-tac noise but she had no clue what it was.

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Lola tried to put it on and it was perfect! It wasn't too heavy, too big, too small or too shiny but it was too noisy! Then, she put the thing back on the ground and the tic-tac noise stopped. As it had stopped, she put it back on but as soon as she had done that, it started tic-tacking again! Lola was very confused. She didn't know that it was a special kind of watch that would only work if a living creature had it on and so she kept on trying it and putting it away and trying it... Finally, she found something on the watch, it was a button, it was a little button that turned it off. She pressed it but as it was still on the ground, it didn't make anything. Lola tried putting it on and was very relieved to hear that the tic-tac noise had stopped! Since she had now found the perfect shell, she could start looking for her family.