Book Creator

Lola's Big Adventure

by P3A, P1A & P2A

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

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Chapter 2
Lola kept the watch on her back and left the zoo to go to the shop. When she got to the shop she bought a compass so that she could find her family. It was still very dark so Lola found a hole in a big tree that was low enough for her to crawl in. In the morning she decided to go and find her family. Lola crawled very slowly along the path and met a frog. "Please can you help me to find my family?" Lola asked the frog. "Yes!" said the frog. The frog who was called Froggy took Lola to the beach. Once they got onto the sand Lola noticed that she had lost her watch...
Chapter 3
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Lola said "Oh no, I've lost my watch." She was worried and sad. "Where could it be?" Froggy said " A watch? I didn't see you with a watch, you must have lost it before we met."
They search the beach and find a crab. They asked the crab if he had seen any shells that Lola could try. The crab knew where some old shells were buried in the sand. So they dug a little hole in the ground but Lola was too scared to go into the sand. The crab went into the tunnel and brought some shells to show Lola. The first shell you could hear the sea but it was too noisy. The second shell small, smelly and dirty. But the next shell the crab found was perfect. It was clean and beautiful. It wasn't too heavy and it wasn't too small. It was sparkly from the sea. Lola was happy, she loved it and moved in straight away. That night she goes back to look at the zoo. She finds a snail collection. She sneaked in and while she was looking her family found her. The shell was so sparkly that her family saw her coming. They were so emotional to be reunited. They were excited and happy and hugged Lola very tight.

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