Book Creator

Sam & Poppy Take Off

by P6B, P7B, P4B & P5B

Pages 4 and 5 of 6

Chapter 3
Comic Panel 1

As he turned around, Sam saw his little dog Poppy wagging her tail and barking excitedly! “Come on Poppy, come here girl!” Poppy darted towards the rocket and started to shrink before his very eyes. She pounced, Sam reached out and caught her safely in his arms. He held her tightly, feeling relieved that Poppy was safe! 

Adam the astronaut securely locked the sticky white door! When Sam looked around the cockpit everything was colourful and made of sugary icing and sweets.

It was so tempting, but he knew it would be disastrous if he ate anything, as Adam would not be pleased!! To his horror, when he turned round Poppy was munching her way through a wire made of melted gummy bears!
Sam had a splodge of sticky icing on his clothes. Realising this, Poppy suddenly threw herself towards him, Sam fell backwards and landed on the control panel ! He hit the countdown button and suddenly all the lights were flashing.
“ 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 blast off,” was blaring through the speakers.
To his amazement , the little rocket was launched into space!
Chapter 4
Comic Panel 1
As the rocket launched up into the air everyone was calm and relaxed. Wait a second, I think I'm telling this story wrong. Everybody was freaking out! But they were glued to their seats because of the speed of the rocket. It was a catastrophe. They passed many shiny stars but soon crashed into an ice cream planet.

When they arrived they went to the planet. It was colourful. Sam ate some of the ice cream. He felt sick then was sick on top of Poppy! They saw aliens and they said happy birthday. The astronaut and Sam then got hit by a meteor. He forgot about gravity and jumped too high and was lost in space for a long time but soon a mysterious car came floating by and saved all of them. Luckily he ended up on the edge of a cliff.

This cliff was peculiar but he didn't know what cliff he was standing on. His mind went blank. The heat was intensely getting warmer and warmer. He was on a volcano! He could not have survived for much longer. The astronaut was on the edge too. Sadly, Poppy, the dog was eating all the icing, including the astronaut. Then Poppy also ate Sam and the whole galaxy!

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