Book Creator

Sam & Poppy Take Off

by P6B, P7B, P4B & P5B

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

Chapter 1
Comic Panel 1
On Saturday morning it was Sam's 12th birthday and he was celebrating with his family. He loved space and his birthday cake had an astronaut on it which was made of icing. Later on, he invited some of his close friends over to spend the day with him.

After some fun party games, his friends and family sang happy birthday to him. Sam then made a wish for the astronaut on his cake to come to life. Just as he cut the cake to share he noticed that parts of the astronaut's body had moved position. At first, he thought he was imagining this but then others noticed too. Sam was surprised and he couldn't believe that his wish had came true. His friends and family were puzzled at what was happening. However, they didn't take much notice and enjoyed the rest of the party until it was time to leave.

Once everyone left, Sam was very tired and he went up to bed to rest. He couldn't get to sleep and as he lay in bed he heard a noise. Suddenly, he rushed downstairs and noticed that the astronaut was gone from the cake. The front door was also left wide open. As a result, he quickly ran upstairs and grabbed his flashlight and went down and out into the street. He looked at the road and noticed tiny footprints from the icing on the astronauts' boots. Following the footprints without a sound he ended up at the edge of a cliff where he spotted the astronaut waving at him beside a space rocket...
Chapter 2
Comic Panel 1
Gazing upon this sight, the boy was speechless.. He stood still, standing there with his mouth wide open, so wide he could catch flies, or even birds. The small, tasty astronaut said, “well, aren’t you coming?”

At that moment the, astronaut hopped into his little rocket. Staring in astonishment, the bot finally replied… “You’re joking? I’m too big, I’ll never fit into that.” The astronaut smiled and replied, “Close your eyes, trust me and believe.”

The boy with growing confidence but still somewhat nervous, took a deep breath and a couple of steps forward. He could feel this body starting to tingle. He peaked at the rocket, the rocket was either growing or he was getting smaller. He took another deep breath and entered the rocket.
When he entered, he heard from a distance… “WAIT FOR ME”. 

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