Book Creator

Dare to Engage with Interactive Videos

by Wendy Torres

Pages 8 and 9 of 33

Benefits of using Playposit
Instructors can  track student information Students can retake the assessment questions Instructors can add multiple videos on one bulb(a bulb is a video lesson) Instructors can copy any premade bulb and adapt it to their own needs
•Can be used for in-person or online classes.
•No limit to the number of video lessons an instructor can create.
•Videos lessons can be used for multiple class sessions.
•Videos can be graded and put in the instructor's digital grade book.
When considering a video tool, it is important to understand how the tool fares for accessibility.
The Disabled Population is the largest minority group in the world with at least 1 billion people.
It is also the only group where any of us can become a member of at any time.
1 billion people live with a disability 1 out of 7 has a disability
Over 70 million people in the United States identified as having a disability.
-Source 2018 US Census