Book Creator

TCH 222 Synthesis

by Olivia Seitz

Pages 2 and 3 of 5

What I learned from this weeks slides:
One thing that really stuck out to me from this weeks slides was about assessing writing. I have not done anything yet with writing because in my 209 class we only focus one theme and I chose meaning making.
We also learned about affective factors when it comes to reading I believe the 2 most important ones are engagement & motivation
Motivation is important because students need to have some intrinsic motivation when it comes to reading because then they will enjoy it and want to read more vs. extrinsic motivation which is only doing it because you have to.
Engagement is important because when students are engaged with the material they will want to learn more and have more drive to do so. Some ways to do this is having interesting topics and more hands on activities.
I chose to read about the lion book. I also used the 6+1 scoring table to do so because I like how you have to have evidence to support the score you gave the child.

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