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TCH 222 Synthesis

by Olivia Seitz

Pages 4 and 5 of 5

Attitude survey's
Using attitude survey's would be one instructional technique to foster positive attitudes about reading. These are very useful in the classroom because student's are able to portray how they are feeling about what they are reading and also show what would make reading better for them! I would also have time during class for them to free read that isn't for an assignment, so they can enjoy that time to themselves!
Benefits and drawbacks of using writing rubrics
-Gives specific material to look at
- Can make your own rubric to have everything you want
-Quick and Easy to score
- Some rubrics excludes materials that other rubrics have
- Most rubrics don't have to have evidence
Cognition and Affect
Cognition is the mental process involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension

Affect is the experience of feeling or emotion

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