Book Creator


by The Honourable S. Paus Daniali, Phd


When I took the Grit Test, I received a score of 3.125, which seems accurate. Shockingly, I am not the most confident person. I feel like over the course of this journal, my score will increase. My goal is that when I take the test again at the end of this journal, my score will be 3.5.
The Growth Mindset
There are 2 types of mindset. There is the Fixed Mindset, and the Growth Mindset. The fixed mindset is thinking 2 dimensionally. Phrases like “I can’t do this.” “This is too hard.” Are signs of a fixed mindset. A person with a growth mindset would say something like “How do I do this” or “I can learn how to do this”. The difference between the 2 mindsets is that the Growth mindset expects change, while the Fixed mindset rejects change.
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Mindset Chart
Growth Mindset Vol. 3
Today we watched a TEDx talk on growth mindset. Here are some notes I took during the video:
Growth mindset will allow you to learn what you normally wouldn’t be able to.
Failure is a success
Students with a growth mindset increase their grades
Students with a fixed mindset have no change in their grades
The difference between the two is that fixed people are living in their comfort zones while people with a growth mindset are working hard and succeeding.
People with a fixed mindset say “How do I look smart” while people with a growth mindset say “How do I learn”
Fixed mindset people focus on the end goal while people with a growth mindset focus on the process
People with growth mindsets are better at receiving feedback
Mindsets are like televisions. Fixed mindset only sees in black and white, while growth mindset is in full colour
Why You Need To Fail
Video Analysis
We watched a video called “Why you need to fail.” It taught me about how failure is a learning experience and how to benefit from it. After I watched the video, I researched some famous businessmen who faced failure.
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Tom Monoghan, A homeless man who went on to create Dominos Pizza
Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC who experienced, poverty, failed businesses, a shootout and success.
Ray Kroc, a child soldier who would become the man who popularized McDonalds across North America