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Mandi’s Click Happy Plus Course Notes

by Mandi Lynn

Pages 4 and 5 of 6


Embodied creativity
Here is the most important part of how this framework can help you as a creative.

It helps you to channel your creative energy and understand where your creative leaks are. The more you lean towards chaos the more your creative energy dissipates. The more you lean into rigidity, the more of your creative energy freezes up. So we want to develop the core character strengths and self awareness that keep our energy flowing no matter what challenges life throws at us to test our commitment to our craft.

This is a map of mastery.
Mastery of self.
Mastery of our natural gifts.

Have I mastered them...nope. I bounce frequently towards chaos as that is how my brain is wired so I have to be so careful not to get lost there but just dip back when I want a wider selection of ideas...but this map acts like an anchor to pull me back on track. Back into my flow and my development of mastery of craft.

Craft for me is as a creative mentor and a visual storyteller. Some times I faceplant. But this helps me to get up brush myself off and start again.

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