Book Creator

Mandi’s Click Happy Plus Course Notes

by Mandi Lynn

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

Course notes
The Embodied Creativity Framework
Welcome to my neurospicy brain dump. This is a collection of thoughts that I have while we are doing the course. I will record videos and write bits and if you miss zooms you may be able to get a hint of what we covered here but it is really important that you make it to the zooms.

This term we are running through the Rainbow. Both with monochromatic imagery and with our exploring what each of these levels means in terms of our own growth and development as artists and as good humans following the Embodied Creativity Framework.

This framework is based on study of ancient wellbeing and philosophical frameworks and pushed together with my personal experiences and experiments as an artist. It has its roots mostly in Positive Psychology research, and inquiry into the following traditions of thought Aruvedic, Stoic, Christian, Buddhist, and Taoist concepts. The Embodied Creative Framework is not religious but pulls from the core themes that run parallel in all of these philosophical approaches to life. Seeking what character traits and tools help to lend towards the greatest chance of personal moments of joy and creative mastery.

It is a working model and has evolved over time and will probably continue to evolve but it makes up the framework of how I function as a creative, how I try to adult, and how I teach.

When I find myself sliding out of balance it is a simple framework that helps to guide me back to my centre.
Summary of Todo's
- Get out a piece of paper and draw the framework you see in the following video as it unfolds.
- Then with a blue
marker make a star for each of the 7 levels of where you feel like your energy goes most of the time.
- Photograph your drawing and put it in your workbook.

Embodied creativity
Here is the most important part of how this framework can help you as a creative.

It helps you to channel your creative energy and understand where your creative leaks are. The more you lean towards chaos the more your creative energy dissipates. The more you lean into rigidity, the more of your creative energy freezes up. So we want to develop the core character strengths and self awareness that keep our energy flowing no matter what challenges life throws at us to test our commitment to our craft.

This is a map of mastery.
Mastery of self.
Mastery of our natural gifts.

Have I mastered them...nope. I bounce frequently towards chaos as that is how my brain is wired so I have to be so careful not to get lost there but just dip back when I want a wider selection of ideas...but this map acts like an anchor to pull me back on track. Back into my flow and my development of mastery of craft.

Craft for me is as a creative mentor and a visual storyteller. Some times I faceplant. But this helps me to get up brush myself off and start again.
What I hope you have gotten from this:

An overview of something that can help you return to your creative flow.
A curiosity of how our character can impact our craft.
A greater holistic understanding of yourself.

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