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Conner Knight Moral Leadership

by Conner Knight

Pages 10 and 11 of 14

Winston Churchill
and how he showed Moral Leadership
Winston Churchill - How he demonstrated Morals as he stood in the face of Germany, and when his country of England was under attack. And on the verge of collapsing under Nazi Germany's rule, he stood fast. He did good for his country instead of running and he had a good moral code as well. His Moral Code was "standing boldly in defense of right against injustice and aggression." according to The Churchill Project. He also had good morals because he was able to stand fast and be able to do something good even though he could have run as that would have been a bad thing as he was in the British Army.
Winston Churchill
and how he showed Moral Leadership
Winston Churchill - How he demonstrated Leadership he guided Britain and the Allied Powers from the ledge of the war. When Britain was under attack by the Nazis and the Axis Powers he single-handedly led Britain from the verge of collapse and gave inspiring speeches to help them get it together. He allowed them to believe in themselves and their countries again and fought for them and was an overall good leader. Then for his good times in the war, he became popular in Britain and became their Prime Minister.

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