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Conner Knight Moral Leadership

by Conner Knight

Pages 12 and 13 of 14

Author's Note
Moral Leadership is meaningful to me because it symbolizes good ethics and values for you and the people around you. People will respect you more and notice those things; whether it's your teacher or your boss they will expect more from you; but it is worth it in the end you will succeed more in life if you practice Moral Leadership
Others have demonstrated Moral Leadership in my life. For example, my dad has demonstrated Moral Leadership at his job as an Audio Video Technician he does his best work no matter where he goes and for that, he is held up to a higher standard but it benefits him. Other people have also demonstrated this trait he practiced it all of the time in every class doing his best work for something as simple as a worksheet and something as big as a 20-slide presentation. But he applied for BAMS (which is a fast pace high school for the top of the top kids) and got an interview there.
I have demonstrated Moral Leadership because I have good morals when it comes to doing the right thing and knowing what to do in the situation. Also, I am a good leader I am held up to a higher standard by everyone but it pays off in the end. I encourage people to do their best work I have good collaboration skills, but I also can lead people to their best work without doing it for them by pressing them to do it and motivating them to do it the best way.

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