Book Creator

My Autobiography

by Davis Zhong

Pages 4 and 5 of 11

Playing Piano

I start the piano
Pressing the first few keys
So different from the violin that brushes the bow
and trumpets that blow out notes from the air
This instrument is hard!
My mother says it’ll be all fine
But I still worry
What if I can’t do it?
I finish learning what the keys are
And I start having fun 
A grand piano arrived
Big and beautiful
My mother once said You can do it
It’ll be alright
She is right
Moving to America
I have allergies
My family is concerned 
We move to America
I miss my home
When will my family ever go back?
I meet a doctor
She thinks in different ways than others
Now I can eat many things
And have a happier life
So glad that I came to America