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by Maya, Antoanet,Nikol

Pages 6 and 7 of 8

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
St. Nicholas the Miracle worker is an Orthodox church in the center of Varna. It is known as the Sailor's Church.
City legends say that the temple was built after a vow to God and to the protector of sailors St.Nicholas the Miracle worker. In 1858 or 1859 the Greek merchant and Russian citizen of Varna Paraskeva Nikolaou traveled to Odessa during a terrible storm in the Black Sea . The frightened merchant swore that if he returned home safe, she would build a church and a hospital in honor of the saint. According to the same sources, to this day there is no other church built with the funds of only one person.
In 1927 two Bulgarian sea captains took an icon from the temple to God's tomb in Jerusalem , consecrated it and returned it. Since then, the church has been accepted as the Sea Temple in Bulgaria and until 1944 the oaths of the Varna sailors were performed in it. From 2000, a ship's anchor was placed at the entrance of the temple - a symbol of seafaring.

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