Book Creator

TY Work Experience 2020

by Chloe McCarthy16

Pages 4 and 5 of 10

Quotes from students about their work experience

While working there, I was inspired by how hard all the other members of staff worked and this made me want to work as hard as they did. - Bar work
It is vital to be quick on your feet while working in a hospital. Working here showed me that there are good and bad times. While I was in Temple street I worked in the ICU unit, various wards, radiology and I even got to go to the Royal College of Surgeons to see how students react under pressure. - Hospital work
I developed my ability to talk to new people as I spoke to many people in the work place and also people my age who were taking the course as well. I was able to speak with new people professionally and confidently
My job as a runner mainly consisted of doing the little things that the floor manager and the crew didn’t have the time to do but had to be done. A lot of the time there was no one there to tell me what to do so I would have to figure it out and solve problems by my own accord and I gained independence through this. - Work at RTE Studios
More quotes from students about their work experience
During this time I made coffee/tea for the stars, brought people water on set, brought the stars to hair and makeup and I made trips to dressing rooms or the canteen when something was needed. I really enjoyed this work experience as I really got an insight into what it's like to work in media production, which may end up being a potential career choice for me in the future. - Work on the RTE show Dancing With The Stars
From my work experience at the Peter Mc Verry Trust, I gained a lot of new skills and was given an insight into the life of those less fortunate than others.I got the opportunity to speak to members of the service about their stories, how they ended up homeless and how they found the Peter Mc Verry Trust. We visited various drop in centres, houses, services and hostels all run by the Peter Mc Verry Trust. We also visited The Four Courts and got talks on the addiction and the abuse of substances. This really made me realise how lucky I am and how much I take granted on a daily basis.
The second day of work experience I was able to sit with the staff during a board meeting. Through this time, I learned how to efficiently take down notes and I was given an insight of what happens at these type of meetings.