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The Easter Bunny is Missing

by Kailee

Pages 4 and 5 of 6

When Bun Bun was walking around town he found a black and white ball in the window of the candy store. Bun Bun said to himself, that looks a lot like Dolores' big fluffy tail in that candy store. Bun Bun really thought it was Dolores. He ran into that store as fast as he could. The rocks were flying in the air as he was racing into the store. When he entered the store he was yelling Dolores' name. He was so happy when he thought he found her. When he finally found the black and white thing. He went over to it with excitement. He found out it was just a black and white pompom that a baby was playing with. Bun Bun sat down on the floor in disappointment he was so sad. Bun Bun had one more place to look which was the flower garden. Bun Bun was on his way to flower garden when he heard a noise. Either known he was looking for Dolores he had to help that bunny that was yelling for help. As he was following that voice he noticed it sounded familiar. So he followed It until he finally seen something. It was something big and black. He ran over to it. He noticed it was right beside the beautiful flower garden. He remembered Ian. The fairy whose parents sent him to the fairy orphanage. He ran away from it and no one has seen him since. He ran over to the cage. When he got there the cage was surrounded with poisonous flowers. He knew it was Ian. He didn't go near the flowers he went around them. He looked inside. There Dolores was inside the cage. Bun Bun's heart was pounding very fast. I have finally found you Dolores, said Bun Bun.
Dolores said to Bun Bun, "Help me, just be careful Ian is somewhere around here," "Ok" Bun Bun replied. Bun Bun pulled out his lock pick and started to unlock the cage. Bun Bun finally unlocked the cage and gave Dolores a big hug. I missed you so much Dolores I missed you and my mom, Exclaimed Bun Bun and Dolores. They went back to the magical jungle and told everyone the good news. Bun Bun got his reward and they hid Easter eggs all night long. They had a celebration with delicious foods and drinks. Easter was saved and the kids were finding the Easter eggs and Easter was a success!

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