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The Easter Bunny is Missing

by Kailee

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

It was Easter morning and the sun was shining bright. The Easter Bunny's mom went to wake up Dolores the Easter Bunny. When Dolores' mom entered the room, Dolores wasn't there. Her mom yelled, "Dolores, where are you?" Sweet bunny Dolores did not reply. Her mom called Dolores' best friend Bun Bun. "Hey! Bun Bun. Can you help me find Dolores? I can't find her anywhere!" said Lisa. "Of course! If Dolores is missing I will be the one to find her!" said Bun Bun. "Thank you Bun Bun. Remember if she isn't found by sunset Easter could be ruined!" exclaimed Lisa. Bun Bun went to his house in Magical Jungle to think of where Dolores might be. He thought of two places where Dolores might be. The two places were Flower Garden and the swamp. But, before he left he had to pack up. Bun Bun brought five things. He brought a whole lot of carrots, some water, his favorite magnifying glass, a lock pick, a list of the places Dolores might be, and a blanket so he can stay warm. Where could Dolores the Easter Bunny be? First, Bun Bun went to look at the swamp. when he got there he saw something white that looked like Dolores' ears. Bun Bun thought it was Dolores." He was so happy. He said," Dolores I finally found you! we have been looking everywhere for you." When He was walking over to the pine tree. He thought she was behind it. Bun Bun said, Dolores you can come out now" however Dolores did not move. Dolores you have to get ready to hide the eggs, but still nothing happened. Bun Bun thought maybe she's just sleeping. So he went to see her. When he got there, it was just 2 white lily flowers poking out behind the tree. Bun Bun was deceived. He thought he would never find Dolores.

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