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KS3 Academy Newsletter 5th Edition

by Samantha Upton, Lucy Cater & Heather Whitmore

Pages 6 and 7 of 33

The ACE Event
The ACE Event celebrates students who have 97% and above attendance.
It was an amazing afternoon and all students fully enjoyed themselves.
Thank you to all the teachers who helped out, including: Mr Pocklington, Mr Howell and Mr Talbot for all the hot dogs!
Also, we would like to thank all the staff who helped out running activities and stalls.
Thank you all for a lovely year.
On Friday 29th of June, 40 Year 9 students and 4 members of staff set off on a trip to visit WW1 sites in Flanders, an area of Belgium. The day was a fantastic experience for all involved and really brought home what happened in Europe 100+ years ago.

Throughout the day, students were told about different experiences, battles and events that took place in the area of Belgium that they visited. These included, finding out about how a 15 year old boy called Tommy Strudwick died fighting in Belgium.
Students were able to visit both German and Commonwealth cemeteries to see how the different countries paid respect to fallen servicemen. At Tyne Cot, the students were taught how to find grave sites and names on plaques to pay respect.

The day ended with some free time in Ypres that had been completely destroyed during WW1 and rebuilt completely to the exact same specifications.
Belgium Trip
On Friday 29th of June, 40 Year 9 students and 4 members of staff set off on a trip to visit WW1 sites in Flanders, an area of Belgium. The day was a fantastic experience for all involved and really brought home what happened in Europe 100+ years ago.

Throughout the day, students were told about different experiences, battles and events that took place in the area of Belgium that they visited. These included, finding out about how a 15 year old boy called Tommy Strudwick died fighting in Belgium.
Students were able to visit both German and Commonwealth cemeteries to see how the different countries paid respect to fallen servicemen. At Tyne Cot, the students were taught how to find grave sites and names on plaques to pay respect.

The day ended with some free time in Ypres that had been completely destroyed during WW1 and rebuilt completely to the exact same specifications.