Book Creator

An Anthology for Teachers by Teachers

by by #vted educators at Vermontfest 2018

Pages 6 and 7 of 101

Be Prepared to Switch Gears
to Meet Students Where They're At
Lucie deLaBruere Twitter profile
"There are days when no matter how engaging the lesson is, your students are NOT present in the lesson. It’s always a good idea to be tuned into the events in students’ lives and go with the flow rather than fight the current."
Right after lunch on a spring day, I was at the whiteboard with different colored markers getting ready to explain Entity Relationship Diagrams to a group of high school students.  I had created a lesson that I felt pretty good about.
Teacher at Whiteboard

My students were on track to take the Oracle SQL certification exam later that month. I had planned out the perfect example to help them learn and practice this skill.